Resources & FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions about Colon Hydrotherapy

  • What is Colon Hydrotherapy and what can I expect?

    Colon Hydrotherapy is not a new concept. Dating back to Ancient Eygpt it has been recognized that cleansing of the colon greatly enhances health and may help to reduce symptoms of disease and illness. Today colon hydrotherapy is a more complete, comprehensive method of cleansing the colon. Gentle flushing of warm filtered water into the rectum works to remove stagnant and accumulated waste from the bowel. This internal bath softens and loosens up the waste, expelling it through natural peristalsis. (wavelike motions) Repeating the filling and emptying cycle usually lasts for 45mins, while the client lies comfortably on a treatment table.

  • Is Colon Hydrotherapy safe?


    Today’s modern technical advancements in this field make the equipment state of the art CSA and globally certified to meet strict standards. Disposable single kits are used promoting safety and sanitation.

  • What should I do to prepare for a Colon Hydrotherapy session?

    Refrain from eating a couple of hours before your appointment, be as relaxed as possible and have a positive, cheerful attitude.

  • Is it embarrassing to get a Colonic?


    Personal dignity is intact and respected at all times. You will be with a professional therapist who fully appreciates the sensitivity of the colonic procedure and will ensure your comfort and relaxation to ease you through the process.

  • Is Colon Hydrotherapy recommending during menstruation?


    During menstruation the body is already cleansing, your flow will not interrupt with the treatment. Some women have noted that having a colonic during the beginning of their period reduced menstrual discomfort and symptoms.

  • How many sessions are recommended?

    Each client is unique, many factors come into effect ie: age, level of toxicity, stress and anxiety especially the way it is handled, diet, medications, ect. One colonic session rarely accomplishes the desired results. The first session introduces the procedure to the body and gets things started. Consecutive visits help to release more and more toxins and waste from the colon. The therapist will discuss a treatment plan that works best for you during the first visit.

  • What is a Colon Hydrotherapy session like?

    Over 90% of the time, clients who have come in for their first colonics have noted that it was not as bad as they first thought! Most clients find it to be a relaxing, comfortable experience. During a session mild cramping may be experienced, this is a sign of waste loosening up and getting ready to be expelled. Once a release happens this cramping goes away. Techniques are used to allow a small amount of water to flow into the colon, this gently stimulates the colon’s natural peristalsis to released the softened waste. This inflow of water and release of matter may be repeated several times during the colonic. Abdominal massage and deep breathing will be used to enhance your cleansing. You will be kept draped at all times and your dignity is always maintained.

    Some typical comments I hear repeatedly over are:

    That was a lot easier than I thought it would be.

    • I feel so much lighter.
    • I feel so clean inside.
    • I wished I would have come in sooner than later.
    • I can’t believe how much came out of me.
  • How long does a session last?

    A session will last anywhere from 30-45mins, plan to be here for an hour.



Useful information for those who are looking for answers.

The Colon Therapists Network:
A Wealth of information used by industry professionals and the public to answer questions on Colon Hydrotherapy.


An excellent yoga studio in South Calgary offering high quality instructors in Ashtanga, Vinyasa yoga and Critical Alignment Therapy.


The International Association of Colon Hydrotherapy (I-ACT):
This is the governing body of colon hydrotherapists. Another excellent source for Colon Hydrotherapy.


Medical Journalist Report outlining the benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy
Morton Walker, DPM outlines in this in depth article, the science of Colon Hydrotherapy.


Why clients and therapists prefer the Aquanet EC-2000, the Colon Hydrotherapy equipment used at Fluid Movements
Aquanet EC-2000 Colon Hydrotherapy equipment

Links for Education

Yoga Certification


Advanced Training in Colonics


Instructor Training in Colonics


Advanced ProMed training with GPACT at GI Doctors NY


Yoga Thrive Therapeutic Yoga Cancer for Surviviors Training.


Critical Alignment yoga


Raw Food Certification


Hoffman Process Graduate


Level 1 of 2 Visceral Manipulation Barral Institiute 


Acupuncture College - Currently in progress


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